The May 2016 meeting of the Origins STDT at Goddard Space Flight Center. Front row, left to right: Doug Johnstone, Stefanie Milam, Gary Melnick, David Leisawitz, Margaret Meixner, Asantha Cooray, Lee Armus, Matt Bradford, Joaquin Vieira, Ted Bergin. Middle row, left to right: Jonas Zmuidzinas, Mike DiPirro, Susan Neff, Ruth Carter, Itsuki Sakon, Sean Carey, Kartik Sheth, Maryvonne Gerin, Karin Sandstrom, Cara Battersby. Back row, left to right: Charles Lawrence, Martin Cordiner, Kate Su, Klaus Pontoppidan, Tom Roellig, Doug Scott, Dominic Benford, Susanne Aalto, Frank Helmich, Desika Narayanan, Phil Stahl.
To contact the Origins Space Telescope STDT, or any member of the study team, you can send an email to: ost_info@lists.ipac.caltech.edu
We welcome participation from interested scientists in any of the six OST science working groups (SWGs):
Exoplanets: Kevin Stevenson (kbs@stsci.edu), Tiffany Kataria (Tiffany.Kataria@jpl.nasa.gov) and Jonathan Fortney (jfortney@ucsc.edu)
Disks and Protoplanets: Klaus Pontoppidan (pontoppi@stsci.edu) and Kate Su (ksu@as.arizona.edu)
Galaxy Evolution over Cosmic Time: Lee Armus (lee@ipac.caltech.edu) and Alex Pope (pope@astro.umass.edu)
Milky Way, ISM and Nearby Galaxies: Karin Sandstrom (kmsandstrom@ucsd.edu ) and Cara Battersby (cara.battersby@uconn.edu )
Early Universe and Cosmology: Matt Bradford (bradford@submm.caltech.edu) and Joaquin Vieira (jvieira@illinois.edu )
Solar System: Stefanie Milam (stefanie.n.milam@nasa.gov)
The Origins STDT
Last | First | Institution | Role |
Cooray | Asantha | UC Irvine | Study Chair |
Meixner | Margaret | STScI | Study Chair |
Leisawitz | Dave | GSFC | Study Scientist |
Staguhn | Johannes | GSFC | Instrument Scientist, Deputy Study Scientist |
Armus | Lee | Caltech/IPAC | |
Bauer | James | Maryland | |
Battersby | Cara | U. Connecticut | |
Bergin | Edwin | Michigan | |
Bradford | Matthew | JPL | |
Ennico-Smith | Kim | Ames | |
Fortney | Jonathan | UC Santa Cruz | |
Kaltenegger |
Lisa | Cornell | |
Kataria | Tiffany | JPL | |
Melnick | Gary | Harvard CfA | |
Milam | Stefanie | GSFC | |
Narayanan | Desika | Florida | |
Padgett | Deborah | JPL | |
Pontoppidan | Klaus | STScI | |
Pope | Alexandra | Massachusetts | |
Roellig | Thomas | Ames | |
Sandstrom | Karin | UC San Diego | |
Stevenson | Kevin | STScI | |
Su | Kate | Arizona | |
Vieira | Joaquin | Illinois, Urbana Champaign | |
Wright | Edward | UCLA | |
Zmuidzinas | Jonas | Caltech |
Ex-Officio Non-voting members
Last | First | Institution | Role |
Benford | Dominic | NASA HQ | Program Scientist |
Carey | Sean | IPAC | IPAC liaison |
Greene | Tom | Ames | Facilitator |
Mamajek | Eric | JPL | ExEP Deputy Program Scientist |
Neff | Susan | GSFC | COR Chief Scientist |
Sheth | Kartik | NASA HQ | Program Scientist |
Smith | Erin | GSFC | COR Deputy Chief Scientist |
International Ex-Officio Non-voting members
Last | First | Institution | Role |
Aalto | Susanne | Chalmers Institute of Technology | SNSB Liaison |
Gerin | Maryvonne | Ecole Normale Supérieure | CNES Liaison |
Helmich | Frank | SRON | Netherlands Institute for Space Research Liaison |
Menten | Karl | Max Planck Institut for Radioastronomie | DLR Liaison |
Sakon | Itsuki | University of Tokyo | JAXA Liaison |
Scott | Douglas | University of British Columbia | CAS Liaison |
Song | Yong-Seon | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | KASI Liaison |
Vavrek | Roland | ESA | ESA Liaison |
Science and Technology Advisory Group
Last | First | Institution |
Arenberg | Jon | Northrup-Grumman |
Carlstrom | John | U. Chicago |
Ferguson | Harry | STScI |
Greene | Tom | Ames |
Helou | George | IPAC |
Lawrence | Charles | JPL |
Lipscy | Sarah | Ball Aerospace |
Mather | John | GSFC |
Moseley | Harvey | GSFC |
Rieke | George | U. Arizona |
Rieke | Marcia | U. Arizona |
Turner | Jean | UCLA |
Urry | Meg | Yale |
Study Office
Last | First | Institution | Role |
Carter | Ruth | GSFC | Study Manager |
DiPirro | Mike | GSFC | Chief Technologist |